Workshops & Series to build knowledge & connection

Isn’t mothering instinctual?

The truth that many of us feel disconnected from our instincts, from our bodies and hearts is now being unearthed by mothers across the globe.

Understanding that most of us have conditioning that keeps us from seeing our children clearly for who they are & blocks us from parenting how we want to, is the beginning of transforming our family life.

Do any of these sound familiar?

✔ You beat yourself up for being angry or grumpy with your child.

✔ You don’t want to repeat the same patterns of your childhood.

✔ You feel isolated as a parent and struggle with this new identity.

✔ You are struggling to enjoy daily life “the way you should.” Enter mom guilt & shame.

What if I told you that you could...

✔ Reframe your child’s behavior to powerfully shift your reactions and any entrenched patterns.

✔ Release the frustration of feeling stuck in a loop and out of ideas.

✔ Be more connected to other parents and at ease in your own skin.

✔ Have a plan in place (with practices and rituals specific to you) for how to prioritizing yourself yourself so you can really be present for others.

Group Workshops & Series

  • Learn skills for a more harmonious family life

  • Build connection & friendships

Parenting Together

In person supportive workshop series that are open to all parents & caregivers associated with Orchard Valley Waldorf School.

Create a family life with more ease: Mastering Meltdowns

A workshop for parents and caregivers of young children (ages 1-6). In person being offered throughout Central VT summer 2023. Dates and locations forthcoming.

If you would like to host this 2.5 hour workshop at your school, daycare, library, place or worship, or workplace in person within Central VT please contact me.

With group programs, you can:

1. Connect

Meet other parents who are wanting to parent consciously & struggling with similar issues.

2. Pause

Time to connect and reflect is necessary to deepen our relationships and yet as busy parents this is the first thing that “get’s cut".”

3. Learn

Reframe experience, practice new skills and learn new strategies for overcoming obstacles in daily life.


“I could give him a popsicle to try and stop the crying. I began to instead just allow his feelings and my own  and I repeated back to him that he was bored and wished he had someone to play with. In my own mind I told myself,  it was ok that I wanted it to be quiet and it was ok that he was upset. After just a few minutes of validating and empathizing with him he slowly stopped crying on his own and he actually began to play cars with his imaginary friend, "Bert" and I finished all the cooking in peace!”


“Joining the Parenting Together circle was a highlight to my life each week. As a mother of two young children, it was a safe harbor in which to find support & feel connected to a community. ”

-NINA, MOM of 2

You’re holding so much, who is holding you?